Heartwarming short movie shows Budapest's empty spaces awaiting visitors' return
“Budapest awaits!” is the message of the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre’s new image spot video, aimed at citizens as well as domestic and foreign tourists. The current lockdown situation, instated to counter the spread of the COVID-19 virus, has taken a toll on Budapest's cultural and tourism sectors alike. Through its video, BFTK’s campaign intends to highlight that the unique atmosphere of the Hungarian capital is created by all of us, and to express that Budapest is looking forward to having its streets and public spaces full of life once again after the health crisis is over.
The video shows the formerly vibrant and lively city in its current, empty state, but the harmonious composition of music, dancing and lights fills viewers with hope and anticipation. The video focuses on iconic places in the capital that used to be bustling and full of people, but currently look surreally empty. The Buda Castle, quiet Heroes’ Square and Széchenyi Bath, its pools empty, are all shown in charming sunset hues.
The interplay between contemporary choreographer János Feledi and cimbalom player Miklós Lukács fills the desolate city with a unique dynamism and hope that any uncertainty will be soon swept away by the friendly urban rumblings of Budapest.
Produced by Zoltán Vozo Végh, the aim of the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre’s short movie is to send a message to those who wish to return to the city as visitors or citizens. For this reason, the spot shows well-known touristic sights and reveals hidden details in a new light for the whole world to see. The city’s spring rejuvenation is thus captured for those who can't yet be there.
On a related note, two weeks ago the Municipality of Budapest and BFTK sent some encouragement from the windows of the capital's empty hotels by starting the #Light4U! campaign, which is now reinforced by artists filling the desolate streets of Budapest with life – Budapest is waiting for and awaits us, because we are the ones who make it into a unique, truly loveable city.
#budapestawaits #budapestwaitsforyou #takecareofeachother
Watch the video ‘Budapest awaits!’ here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visitbudapest/videos/523613571661757/